I never thought I would love making hats like I do. I wish we lived up North again just so people could wear my hats more!! LOL
The made my latest one tonight; in just about 2.5 hours of time. Now, it wasn't all at one time. With four kids and my mother visiting, I am never able to do anything from start to finish in one sitting. I probably won't even finish up this post until tomorrow.
So, my middle son, Max, wanted a hat with dinosaur spikes, and I accommodated him. It was simple and cute.
I made a much more traditional hat for my daughter. It was a very cute camouflage hat.

My father-in-law asked for a hat after seeing Max's hat during Christmas. So I made him one. Right after the New Year, I began college full-time. Its been quite hectic but I am enjoying it so far. But my youngest son needs a babysitter on Thursday nights. My neighbors offered to help out but they had a family emergency and were not able to watch my son. We asked my mother-in-law to watch him instead. I made her hat as a thank you.

The next series of hats were inspired by my oldest son's friend, Conor. He has decided to enlist in the military and just left today. When he asked me to make him a hat, I couldn't turn him down. We searched the Internet and finally settled on the
Checkpoint Charlie Hat. Its a great hat and is only slightly challenging. I even made one for myself and a few for a couple of great ladies.

I made the wool hats from upcycled jackets. My neighbors even asked for one from her own suit jacket that didnt fit anymore. The jacket even had suede elbow pads. I couldnt let them go to waste. The brim would look AWESOME with a suede trim, but they were not large enough to cut out one piece from. Since I had to have a seam in the suede, I decided to make a very obvious seam.
Then getting back to the fleece hats, Max asked for a koala hat and when this great gray fleece went on sale, I know it was a calling. His hat is so so cute.
My daughter asked for a frog hat after she overheard that a high school frined asked for a frog hat for her five month old daughter. Now MaKenna has her own frog hat, but Max wanted to 'sew' and also 'design' the hat. That's why my frog hat resembles Kermit the Frog so much. LOL

Lastly, my son took one of our laptops to his bus driver. She told him that she felt confident that she could clean our the dust and it would work just like new again. Well, she was right. And here is my thank you for her generosity.
Those are such cute hats, Great job! How do you do it all with four kids!!?? That in itself is amazing!
I wait for the littler ones to go to bed and do some at night.
Then when all the bigger kids are in school, I can normally squeeze in a little then too. You make the time if you want to. Sewing has become my 'me time'. We all need a little look out for ourselves.
Thanks so much for reading. :D
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