As my tribute to her new miracle and to provide her with a connection with her father who cannot be here to see the little one - I decided to make an owl themed quilt. I saw a few examples on line and began designing my own version. The original owls has dark big eyes that seemed a little ominous - so I opted for cuter owls that I could give a bit more personality.

But it came out great and I really loved it. Even my LO wanted to use it. Obviously needed to make him his own. *hehehe*
I loved how it came out and you can see that I had to put all those extra squares on the back. So, it is actually two quilts in one.
The happy owner was very delighted to get her package and I was glad that I was able to keep it a secret the whole time. The quilt has attracted more interest from others wanting the same thing. The squares are just stitched-in-the-ditch.
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